Thursday, September 13, 2012

Glass Scarf

When I was little, I was a major snooper. I loved going through my father’s desk drawer. It was full of interesting odds and ends, which I would endlessly inspect: A wooden pipe, a package of tobacco, photos of my parents before they were married, and the most fascinating of all, a very old stethoscope, which I would use to listen to my heart and stomach and the heart and stomach of my dog.

I’d go through my mother’s drawers too–opening every jewelry box and slipping on her rings. But what I loved the most was her drawer of neatly folded silk scarves. The perfumed squares would spring up like a row of flowers begging my grubby little fingers to pluck them, sniff them, hold them to my cheek.

Here is an amazing Emilio Pucci scarf from the 1960s (top). I love the idea of framing and displaying vintage scarves so they don’t have to sit in a drawer. Framing textiles in general is a great way to display them.

Here is a framed butterfly scarf, which resembles a real butterfly display cases, but is significantly less sad.